M.Sc. Anna Pape

*architecture *urbanplanning *landpolicy *housingforall *livingdoesnotendatthefrontdoor *propertypolicy
Degree in architecture and urban planning at Leibniz University Hannover, one semester at KU Leuven Brussels. During her studies, research assistant and tutor at the Chair for Territorial Design and Urban Planning. Thereby responsible for the design and setting of several publications like Circular Design or Cosmopolitan Habitats and collaboration in teaching. Working student and intern at RAUMLABOR.Berlin, SABJO Architekten BDA and N2M Architektur und Stadtplanung. Also projects as a collective with the artist Franz Betz devising projects in urban space and light installations.
Thesis: Club of unseen monuments. Who has the right to live in the city and who does not? Housing should not be another investment product. Living does not end at the front door. Housing as a basic human right. The background of the project is the tight housing market situation in Germany and the long-standing and constant demand for subsidized and affordable housing. These deficits and the increase in rental prices in urban areas lead to gentrification and segregation of the city, which results in an enormous change in the inhabitants:inside structure. In order to prevent such a pushing out process from occurring further, new ways have to be created. Club of unseen monuments exemplarily maps new redensification potentials, in order to find a contribution to a social and public welfare oriented answer to the housing question with transformation and reinterpretation of previously unnoticed and different areas in Hanover.
Since 2021 Freelancer in the field of architecture, interior design, art and graphic design. Since 2023 Freelancer at RAUMLABOR Berlin. Recent publication Urbane Optionsflächen together with Christof Mayer, Dr. Martin Schwegemann, Florian Stirnemann, Johannes Henschel and Tomma Suki Hinrichsen. Research on the investigation of land consolidation from the Berlin state trust estate