Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Jörg Schröder

Architect and urban planner, Chair of Territorial Design and Urban Planning at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Dean for Research of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences.
His focus in research and teaching is on urban design in a cross-metropolitan appoach: new methods of analysis and design for an “architecture of territories” that aim to enhance sustainable dynamics for development paths and visions for liveable places. A cross-scale approach between architecture, urban planning, and territorial development addresses in particular the issues of innovation and resilience, in conjunction with new forms of communication and interaction on processes of strategy formation and co-design. Dynamics of periphery refer to spatial practices in metropolises, urban peripheries and fragmented areas, as well as to new spatial constellations of metropolitan regions, urban-rural cooperation, diversified rural areas, touristic regions, mountain and coastal regions. New models for the construction of strategies, processes, and programmes of development, including mobility and infrastructure concepts, can help to give greater social value to spatial potentials and use them as a source of inspiration for circular territories.
His track of international projects in research and development includes Cosmopolitan Habitat, Dynamics of Periphery, Creative Food Cycles, Creative Heritage, Re-Cycle Italy, Rurbance, AlpBC, AlpHouse; the concept and organisation of international conferences, workshops and exhibitions in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain.
Selected publications:
- Schröder J. (2022) Circular Design: design-led innovation for circular territories. Preprint. Hannover, Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover. DOI:
- Schröder J., Cappeller R., Diesch A., Scaffidi F. (2022) “Circular Territories”. In: Ricci M., ed. (2022) Medways Open Atlas. Siracusa, LetteraVentidue, pp. 467–478.
- Schröder J. (2022) “Territorialising Resilience: Innovation Processes for Circular Dynamics”. In: Carta M., Perbellini M.R., Lara-Hernandez J. A., eds. (2022) Resilient Communities and the Peccioli Charter - Towards the possibility of an Italian Charter for Resilient Communities. Cham, Springer, pp. 71-84.
- Luce, M.; Pfarr-Harfst, M.; Reeh, J.; Schröder, J.; Tessmann, O. (2022) Forschungsexzellenz in der Architektur: Standards zur Bewertung und Förderung der Forschung in den Architekturfachbereichen der Technischen Universitäten in Deutschland (TU9). Hannover, Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover. DOI:
- Schröder J., Carta M., Scaffidi F., Contato A., eds. (2021) Cosmopolitan Habitat. A research agenda for urban resilience. Berlin, Jovis. DOI:
- Schröder J. (2020) “Circular Design for the Regenerative City: A Spatial-digital Paradigm”. In: Schröder J., Sommariva E., Sposito S. (2020) Creative Food Cycles - Book 1. Hannover, Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung, Leibniz Universität Hannover. DOI: pp. 17–31.
Schröder J., Ferrett M., Hartmann S., Sommariva E. (2017) “ReCycle: a Territory-based Approach”. In: Fabian L., Munarin S., eds. (2017) ReCycle Italy Atlante. Siracusa, LetteraVentidue. pp. 385–387.