Arch. Federica Scaffidi Ph.D.

Architect, Ph.D., Researcher, Lecturer and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Urban Design and Planning of the Leibniz Universität Hannover (Prof. Jörg Schröder). PhD and Doctor Europaeus in “City, Region and Landscape Planning” at the University of Palermo (2019). Visiting Researcher at Polytechnic of Turin (2015-2016); at ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2016) and at Leibniz Universität Hannover (2017).
She worked for Giovanni Goria Foundation in collaboration with Polytechnic of Turin - as research fellow under the Talents of Civil Society (2015-2018) - dealing with the topics of participatory processes in heritage redevelopment, social inclusion and innovation.
Her research is based on an interdisciplinary approach, adopting qualitative and quantitative methodologies and multi-level territorial analysis.
Her research interest to date has addressed the urban and rural development, sustainability, social innovation and re-cycling of neglected areas.
Short list of recent publications:
- Scaffidi (2019) Soft power in recycling spaces: Exploring spatial impacts of regeneration and youth entrepreneurship in Southern Italy. Local Economy, 34(7): 632-656. DOI: 10.1177/0269094219891647
- Scaffidi F., Lopez Franco M., Mottee L.K., Sharkey M. (2019) The role of activist researchers in urban and regional planning. In, AESOP Conference Proceedings. pp. 311-323. ISBN 978-88-99243-93-7
- Scaffidi F. (2019) “Re-cycle Italy: un nuovo paradigma per la riattivazione delle aree depotenziate e in disuso”, inFolio, pp. 38 -42. ISSN 1828-2482
- Scaffidi F. (2018) “Territorial creativity in peripheral context. Urban and regional effects of the re-cycle of Añana saltworks”. In: Schröder J., Carta M., Ferretti M., Lino B. (eds.) Dynamics of periphery, Jovis, Berlin, pp. 282-289.
ISBN 978-3-86859-511-6 - Scaffidi F. (2017). Interventi di rilevanza nazionale: come favorire il débat public senza cadere nella partecipazione simbolica? Verso una circolarità delle risorse. In Gausa M., Andriani C., Fagnoni R. (eds.), 3 Resili(g)ence. Paper presented at the International Conference 3 Resili(g)ence, Genova, 25-28 October 2017, (pp. 284-289). Barcelona: Papersdoc. ISBN 978-84-941264-6-8
- Scaffidi F. (2016) The Social Regeneration of Brownfields as activator of peri-urban development: the Añana salt valley in Spain as a good model of brownfield regeneration. In: Schröder J., Carta M., Ferretti M., Lino B. (eds.) Territories, rural-urban strategies, Jovis, Berlin, pp. 178-183.
ISBN 978-3-86859-449-2 - Scaffidi F. (2016) “Participación ciudadana y valorización del patrimonio. Metodologías de posible aplicación a espacios industriales abandonados”, Abaco, vol 4(86).
ISSN 0213-6252