Re-Cycle Italy

RE-CYCLE ITALY addresses new life-cycles for architecture, city, infrastructure and landscape, developing a common scientific methodology on urban regeneration and recycling strategies.
The methodology is design-based and articulated in three steps: the analyses of the context, the planning of a transformation process, the construction of a future vision for development areas. The main idea of this design procedure is to foreshadow the area's possible future as a new urban hotspot, eventually by testing different scenarios to verify various operative actions. Its main target is to extract from this process a series of tactics that, from the peculiarity of this area, identify concepts and processes that may be exported to other contexts.

International cooperation partner in the PRIN National Priority Research Project RE-CYCLE ITALY, funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities, and Research MIUR (International cooperation partner of the cluster of the University of Genoa).

Towards a Pro-active Manifesto. PRIN Re-cycle Series
Mosè Ricci, Jörg Schröder
Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2016