Creative Heritage

International Platform for Regenerative Cities, Resilience and Territorial Innovation
The research initiative CREATIVE HERITAGE has been started with the Symposium CREATIVE HERITAGE that has been funded by Volkswagen Foundation, 11–13 October 2017, in Herrenhausen Palace, Hannover.
Creative Heritage is an international platform for innovative thinking and practice on cities, heritage and creativity. Cultural Heritage is on the agenda of European culture and politics, not only with the planned European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018. It is discussed as important part of identities of increasingly complex societies and communities, it is understood as cultural capital to build on for economic innovation and ecological resilience. Various scales and forms of cultural heritage have come into the field of view, even tough the scales of community spaces, of cities, towns, villages, valleys, regions demand a deeper understanding as they are directly influenced by cultural heritage. Not only retrospectively, but especially concerning future impact of heritage as well as perspectives of living spaces and character of places.
„Creative Heritage“ is an international platform on the creative impact of heritage for urban and territorial futures. With the focus on creative aspects in understanding, using, extending heritage—sharing it for cultural and social innovation—“Creative Heritage“ aims at initiating a scientific and public debate about pro-active roles and perspectives of heritage as important factor for city and territory. The 40 contributors of the symposium are from creative urban design and territorial planning, and are cultural, social and economic experts in an interdisciplinary and international setup across Europe, linking Germany, Italy, Spain to global perspectives from Latin America and China. The symposium is part of ongoing research activities as well as a platform for future collaboration, transfer and interactive communication.
„Creative Heritage“ set up four lines of research:
1. Inclusive cities and territories empowered by built heritage
2. Urban resilience enhanced by heritage resources: Social, economic, ecological innovation
3. Cultural heritage as creative factor for urban design and culture
4. Heritage for regenerative cities: Urban visions and concepts
Volkswagen Foundation, 2017
Creative Heritage
Edited by Jörg Schröder, Maurizio Carta, Sarah Hartmann
Berlin, Jovis Verlag, 2018