Doctoral and postdoctoral projects
Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung
Postdoctoral research projects
Dr. Sabrina Sposito
Hydro-Based Metamorphoses in a Polycentric Region. A Multi-Scale Spatial Model for the Ruhrgebiet.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
DAAD research grant for postdoc scientists (one year), supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Dr. Luciana Macaluso
Agro-urban Settlements and Metropolitan Identity.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
DAAD research grant for postdoc scientists (6 months), supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Dr. Sara Favargiotti
Infrastructures Second Life. The Challenges of Infrastructure Recycle.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
DAAD research grant for postdoc scientists (6 months), supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Recent concluded doctoral projects
Dr.-Ing. Riccarda Cappeller
Cooperative Architecture. A performative perspective on urban change and architectural design research
Leibniz University Hannover
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Jörg Schröder, LUH
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Cavallo, TU Delft
Dr.-Ing. Alissa Diesch
Bogotás Ländliches Erbe - Rural Heritage
Technische Universität München
Supervisor: Prof. Sophie Wolfrum, TUM
Co-supervisor: Prof. Jörg Schröder, LUH
DAAD doctoral research grant
Dr.-Ing. Andresa Lêdo Marques
Metropolitan Fringes Towards Resilience in the Context of Climate Change. Planning pathways for the Juqueri-Cantateira sub-basin (São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil)
Cotutelle at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo and the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape of Leibniz University Hannover
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder, LUH
Prof. Dr. Angélica Benatti Alvim, Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo
CAPES-DAAD doctoral research grant
Dr.-Ing. Listen Prima
Sustainable Development Perspective of Vernacular Architecture and Villages in South Sumatera, Indonesia.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
BUDI-LN Scholarship of Kemristikdikti-LPDP, Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education.
Dr.-Ing. Sarah Hartmann
Monuments of Everyday Life. Interplays of City, Infrastructure, and Architecture in São Paulo.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Dr.-Ing. Yara Cristina Labronici Baiardi
Node of Transport and Place. Dilemmas, Challenges and Potentialities towards the Developmentof a Mobility Urban Hub.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Scholarship by CNPQ - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Brazil
Grant by Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie MP/Merit Scholarships (Mackpesquisa)
Grant by IP@Leibniz, DAAD Programme for the internationalisation of doctoral studies
Co-Tutelle with the Faculty for Architecture and Urbanism, Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo MPU
Supervisors: Angélica Aparecido Tanus Benatti Alvim, MPU
and Jörg Schröder, LUH
Dr. Emanuele Sommariva
Urban Agriculture - Strategies for City Resilience
University of Genoa.
Supervisors: Mosè Ricci, Patrizia Falzone, University of Genoa
TUM und LUH Supervisors: Sophie Wolfrum, Jörg Schröder
Dr.-Ing. Listen Prima
Heritage-led Sustainable Development of Indonesia’s Villages
BUDI-LN Scholarship of Kemristikdikti-LPDP, Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Current doctoral projects
Fernanda Gómez Sáenz
Sustainable growth for intermediate Chilean cities. Territorial interdependency in Puerto Montt
Leibniz University Hannvoer
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Jörg Schröder, LUH
Funded by ANID-DAAD doctoral research grant.
Christian Corral
Future scenarios for Guayaquil
Cotutelle at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo and the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape of Leibniz University Hannover
Supervisors: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Jörg Schröder (Leibniz University Hannover), Prof. Dr. Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim (Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo)
Funded by DAAD doctoral research grant.
Luciana Mouro Varanda
Metropolization and Intra-Urban Dynamics in the Context of Climate Change: Challenges of urban and regional planning in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Cotutelle at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo and the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape of Leibniz University Hannover
Supervisors: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Jörg Schröder (Leibniz University Hannover), Prof. Dr. Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim (Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo)
Funded by CAPES doctoral research grant.
André Araújo Almeida
Social Protagonism and Innovation in Urban Planning: Self-managed processes for local territories in Fortaleza, Brazil
Cotutelle at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo and the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape of Leibniz University Hannover.
Supervisors: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Jörg Schröder (Leibniz University Hannover), Prof. Dr. Angélica Tanus Benatti Alvim (Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo)
Funded by CAPES doctoral research grant.
Sheila Cristina Kajiwara Mizushima
Spaces in Transformation: The Role of Participation and Urban Design for Large Scale Development Projects in Megacity Central Contexts: The Luz Quarter in São Paulo.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Starting doctoral scholarship of the Graduate Academy, LUH
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Thiago Soares Barbizan
Planning the Rural Territory in the Context of São Paulo Metropolitan Region: New urban-rural interfaces in Alto Tietê.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder