Productive Grounds I 2015
Productive Grounds is based on two workshops held in 2014 in Hanover and Genoa and supplemented by a thematical framework provided by the researches of the Università degli Studi Di Genova and Leibniz Universität Hannover. The objective of both workshops was to rethink urban grounds in order to create new relationships between the city and the environment, landscape and ecology. The specific focus regards the re-use and re-including of dismissed industrial areas and vision for infrastructural systems in a sustainable approach. Genoa was taken as a Case Study, because in the current period of economic uncertainty, the city offers a clear potential to think about the recovery of dismissed or underused infrastructures and central, but underused areas. The general goal of the RECYCLE Genoa Lab is to contribute with different visions to the mapping process, currently undergoing within the Italian National Priority Research Project (PRIN) RECYCLE Italy: new life cycle for architectures, infrastructures and landscape, led by Dipartimento di Scienze per l‘Architettura (UNIGE) and supported by Institut für Entwerfen und Städtebau (LUH), with the financial support of the DAAD initiative Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa. “Transalpine Trajectories” in this context highlight the transfer of researchers, ideas, and themes over the Alps. Clearly a new vision not also of urban situations, but of the European territory in general is formulated as research by design approach in this publication.
Recycle Italy Series Nr. 11
Edited by Mosè Ricci and Jörg Schröder
Published by Aracne Editrice