New Bauhaus City: Places outside of Metropolis
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
NEW BAUHAUS CITY refers to the iniatiative New European Bauhaus, aiming to enhance creative action to transform built environment in order to reach cli- mate-neutrality. The target on cities addresses two crucial dimensions in this context: cities will be places where different sectoral changes will have to play together, such as green building, sustainable mobility, circular economy, the use of renewable resources; and cities will be spaces to offer new liveability and in- clusiveness. In a further step, the focus of this book, originating in a design re- search project at the Chair for Territorial Design of Leibniz University Hannover, is on places beyond metropolis: what are the specific challenges, positive trends and existing initiatives, and promising perspectives for towns and villages smaller than 100,000 inhabitants, where 2/3 of Europeans are living? NEW BAUHAUS CITY shows evidence from 10 selected case studies and offers methodological innovation through design-led analysis and visioning for sustainable urban trans- formation—highlighting the role of communities for resilience and promoting a new understanding of qualitative density.