Favara Futures I 2017
Urban regeneration and impulses for local development in new constellations of peripheries and centres are in the focus of "Dynamics of Periphery". What are research, practice, design, and planning contributions to successful initiatives and models in small cities? How are they linked with innovative models of urban design, architecture, re-cycle and artistic creativity? How can sustainable use of territorial capital, concepts of social innovation, and governance improvements enhance creative dynamics of specific assets and spatial characteristics?
In a research project between the University of Palermo and Leibniz Universität Hannover, "Dynamics of Periphery" have been discussed in a start conference in Palermo. The conceptual approaches collected in this book are combined with a project report of a workshop in Favara with master students of both universities; in collaboration with the municipality of Favara and with FARM Cultural Park Favara. The project "Dynamics of Periphery" is funded in the University Dialogue Programme Southern Europe of DAAD. The transversal research between architecture, urban design, arts, local and regional development highlights the need and the potential of new ways to integrate "Dynamics of Periphery" in debates and policies about futures of habitat in Europe.
Research Workshop "Dynamics of Periphery"
Edited by Jörg Schröder, Maurizio Carta, Sarah Hartmann, Barbara Lino
With contributions by Federica Scaffidi, Maddalena Ferretti, Emanuele Sommariva, Annalisa Contato, Luca Torrisi, , Jessica Smeralda Oliva, Mosè Ricci, Luciana Macaluso
ISBN 9783946296157