Creative Coast I 2018
Creative spatial design and planning on the Baltic Sea Coast is an exemplary theme for innovative development outside of metropolitan cores in Germany. To explain and to shape processes of spatial change is seen as basis and impulse for the use of spatial, social, and economic capital in this area. With a focus on the cities of Lübeck and Wismar in new interplays with territorial alliances, towns and places along the 80 kilometres of coast and in the hinterland, the design studio work will concentrate on spatial scenarios in different scales. These types of scenarios aim at initiating and accelerating the re-discovery of spatial potentials and can contribute to economic and social innovation. Three issues and the connected spatial inventions and change will be addressed specifically: Food Lines, Production 4.0 Hubs, and Mobility Spaces. Food Lines targets new streams and interactions between city and country; Production 4.0 Hubs connects digitalisation with crafts, manufacturing, and natural resources; Mobility Spaces asks for effects of multimodal and adaptive networks and nodes. All three issues are seen as accelerators in a multiactor and multithematic vision of a Creative Coast that re-invents itself—trough knowledge, abitilities, engagement—as attractive space of living, for new patterns of time, housing, working, culture, and leisure. Here, spatial creativity will play a major role for digging and using local strenghts, for forming new networks and elements, and for shaping change as immediate experience. The methodological setup of the design studio adapats mapping, case study analyses, and expert interviews in an experimental process of scenario building. Zooms in urban design scales and in architectural perspectives then contribute further to an evaluation of development paths in the scenario approach.
Regiobranding on the Baltic Sea
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Emanuele Sommariva
With a contribution by Martina Massari
In the framework of the research project Regiobranding, funded by BMBF
ISBN 9783946296256